

Ticket Availability Indicator customisation

The Ticket Availability Indicator customisation can enhance your site by adding availability information when is it missing by default.

A description (e.g. Tickets Available) can be added to the icon indicator on the area dropdown.

area availablity description

When there isn't an area dropdown, if you don't want to display the exact number of tickets remaining then the exact count can be replaced with the generalised label (e.g. Tickets Available).

availability counter without number

The precise ticket number can be displayed when it is below a threshold of your choosing, for example 10 tickets.

availability counter

As seen in the examples, the default indicator icon can be changed to fit in with your site design.

An affordable, one-off purchase, fully-tested and proven-in-production. Live examples can be seen at London Transport Museum.

If you'd like to know more about this customisation, please get in contact via [email protected].