

Custom Checkout page customisations

Checkout redesigns that I believe increase focus, usability and style.

This darker coloured design demonstrates the use of background images and how different colours can be used to focus user attention.

Assign owners required

Custom content

Useful messages and images can be added to improve the customer experience.

Custom content


Donation requests can be customised in a number of ways. In my experience, these modifications can result in substainal increases in giving. See the donations page for more information.


Refund Protection

If your site uses the ticket insurance section and gift voucher on this page, it can be improved as seen here by removing the No option because there is a bug in the 1505 interface which hides the gift voucher after the insurance has been interaced with. In this customisation, if the user does click on yes then the no option is reshown, in case they select and the wish to change their mind.

Custom content

If you'd like your site to redesigned or your design to be customised, please get in contact via [email protected].