

Donation customisations

The donation heart icon is animated so that it beats slowly by default and then speeds up when the mouse enters the donation area. This draws the users attention and adds a little character to the request. Simply adding a sentence or two to the donation request has created noticable increases in online giving.

Desktop view:

Animated donation request

Mobile view:

Animated donation request

And a thank you message is displayed.

Animated donation request

A darker design example:

Animated donation request

Affordable, fully tested and proven in production. A live example can be seen at London Transport Museum.

As with all of the customisations, this can be tailored to meet your specific requirements, both aesthetic and functional. If you'd like a drop-down box or buttons/boxes pre-popuplated with amounts, then please get in contact.

If you'd like to know more, please get in contact via [email protected].